My brother my dad and I are coming home from buying a bumble from the movie Rudolph and I saw a fluffy white stray dog. My brother and I got out the car and try to see if it had a dog tag so we could call the owner. we chased it up to big hills and finally sweet talked it to come sit down with us. he didn't have a dog tag that had his homes information. 
There was only one that had the pounds information. So my brother and I walked him up two blocks to our house. We gave him a bed in my brothers room. he did not make good friends at first with our other three golden retriever dogs. then later on they became good friends. we trusted him as he trusted us. It taught me that you must be able to trust him because he trusted and we gave him good home. 

You must trust others as they trust you. If we lived in a perfect world then we would all be able to trust each other. He needed us more than anything? so our dogs have gone out very very frequently and others have helped us?. So I learned to help interest as that one dog You have to be able to trust people or else you'll be crazy.

                A couple of weeks ago I saw a movie about this man that was sailing around the world and got in a boat accident. He has to abandon his boat and take a life raft which eventually burns on fire. some boats go by him but they don't see him and all of his hope is lost .then after all hope is lost he decides to just sink to the bottom of the ocean. Then a light from a boat passing by pick some up and a hand reaches out to him and his life is saved. I mainly saw this movie because my dad owns a CAL 39 which in this movie a guy destroys a call 39 boat. Before I saw the movie I thought it was going to be boring lame and not fun to watch, but then at the end I realized this was a great great movie and I wanted to see it again. It got me thinking that if I am ever low I shall always know that God will be with me always. Still no matter what never lose hope never give up and most of all never lose hope in God.
                On Friday, we had a football tournament at horizon prep in Del Mar. We thought that we would have this in the bag and win the entire tourament. But then our first game was against horizon prep, and we knew that this would be the hardest team we would play in the entire tournament. So we were scared at first that we would lose by alot. We scored the first touchdown on our first play by a run. After that we thought that we would win by alot. Then came the second half they scored and it was 7-7. After that they had a great pass that went right over my hand at it's highest and then over Kase at his highest and into the other teams hand. It was a perfect pass. The man scored on the play and made the game 14-7. We lost first game and went to the loser's braket. Then we won every single game after that until we went to the championship game in the winner's bracket.  We sure enough played against the same team we lost to in the first game. We had played five game's already and now we are going to play a sixth game. We  were out in the sun getting 10 minute break's between each game and have been playing for nine hours straight  The other team had played only three game's and was now going to their fourth game. They have only been playing for a couple of hours having hour long breaks.   And the start of the game we get the ball. And then one of our bbest players our runningback Danny gets na huge cramp in his leg and can't play for the rest of the game. ( this was in the first five minutes of the game) Then Chris get's headbutted two minutes after Danny's injury and can't play the rest of the game. We lost the championship 21-0  and this was truly a major turn of events.
        This week during school I was a little bit board . So i started to daze off. I started to think about how lucky other people are. like how celebrities have nice houses and nice cars. Then Ir ealized that I don't have it that bad. I mean I don't have a Ferrari or a Bugatti, but I do have a home and a family that loves me. Some people are in Africa searching for crumbs on the ground that I would generally throw away. They would be blessed to have a house like I do and get a great education at a great school.  So while I am living it up, they are having a hard time finding food. I go into my pantry and eat all that I want. While they are crying and hunting for food. When I don’t eat get to eat breakfast in the morning because I am a little bit rushed. I say that I am starving. Well no, I am not compared to them.

           I kicked off my weekend with a soccer game in Chula Vista. My soccer team is in first place and we were playing against the last place team. Their spirits were broken before  the game even started. We dominated in possesion and in scoring. By the end of the first half we were winning 5-0.  Halfway through the second half our couach decided to go easier. So Defense went up to offense and visa versa. Once I went up to be on offense I scored a cool goal. I curved the ball to get it right past the goalie.  Then the game ended and we won 10-0. It was a fun game for us, but not for the other team./ After that we went home and spooked out our house for Halloween. Then that night my Dad, my Brother  and I  went to go see ''Gravity '' at Regal movie theater. It was a great movie that made you feel like you were in space. It was AWESOME. 
                 Football in the rain is not a thing ,because it is very cold, and if you lose it makes it that much more degrating.  We were playing against St. Michel's  8th grade and we fought a good fight but lost in the end.  Since it was raining it was very cold and the other team had a nice cabana while we were standing in the rain. I had one pick that game that I ran it back to the five yard line and got my flag pulled. We scored a touchdown but didn't get the extra point. Then they scored by a blown coverage and didn't get the extra point either., Then came the end of the second half when they scored in the last two minutes of the game and didn't get the extra point.  After the game all I could think about was how cold , hungry, and how much I wanted to  take a nice warm, hot shower. After I got home and took a shower I did my homework and went to sleep. 
             I kicked off my weekend with a trip to the Carlsbad Lagoon, to go paddleboarding with my friends.  After school i sent out on an adventure to the lagoon to explore. (Not really, but it sounds good.) My friends and I decided to go on paddle boards and kayaks. I choose a paddle board, because I love paddle boarding. On the boards and kayaks we decided to start raming into eachother  with with stuff. So I hopped onto a kayak and then it got better. After that I went home and took a shower because later on that night I would go bowling with my friends again. We all had a great time, and I won the second game and got second the first game. I spent the night at my friends house and we stayed up until four in morning. The next day I had a soccer game which did not help to be tired.  My dad had to drive fourty four miles to take me to my game in Bonita. We won 8-1 against the other team, so it was a fun game. On Sunday my dad my brother and I went to the harbor to go Zegoing. A Zego is like a mini speedboat.  We took it out and beached it on a beach. We found eight starfish and twenty-seven sand dollars. It was awesome, and we ended our weekend with ice cream. 
         Monday is always an adventure becuse I always wake up thinking that it is the weekend and it isnt so I just wake up a tad late. Though I was suprised that I woke up at the usuall time of six o'clock in the morning and got out of bed on time. Then I realized that tomorrow I would have to give a speech about how my peers should elect my as student council. I was shoot dead frozen at that moment and was scared to think of it. Though I wrote it on the weekend I would still be afraid. That night and went over it and thought of some new catch thing to say during my speech. The next day I heard that everybodys speech started off with the same thing, so I changed it right before I went up. I ended my speech with a funny little act and I was done. 
        On Wednesday Mr. Burke announced the student council ratings and I made it on student council, which I was excited about.  Only three boys made it onto student council and seven girls.  On Wednesday we had a visit from JSerra High School and didn't have religion. During their presentation I was listening with attentive ears. They gave us candy at the end of their presentation which was very nice of them.  On Thursday it was a normal day with nothing very exciting except for soccer at the end of the day. On Friday Mr. Burke announced every member of student council infront of the school durnig assembally. It was fun. 
          My real first week back in school was probably more exciting and all out better than the first week in school. I say this because I was ( take no offense ) bored back in school. We would listen to the same teacher for hours on end.  Though this week we got to go around and see other friends, and listen to other teachers. I was glad to get into science labs because I like science.  We did five fun labs that week during science but two of the days we had to take notes which wasn't very fun. But I am looking forward to a school year filled with fun labs.
            In math class we always study the metric system our second week back in school. We alredy had one test so far in math and are expecting many many more. There are now regular periods and block periods. We did not have block periodslast year so it is new having a 90 minute class instead of a 45 minute class. We only have it during Language Arts and History though.  I personally like it more than the regular scedule. Thank you for reding my essay, goodby.
      The  first day back at school is always strange. When you have that thought of ow here we go again , another year of school. But this year was diferent, because this year we are the ''big guy's on campus.'' Yes you know what I'm talking about, we are the eighth graders and we are graduating.  That was when I realized that this year would be differnt then all of the other years.  My friends came and we talked about the field trips we will have , like Washington D.C. and Disneyland. We also talked about all the new teachers and how we thought it was cool that we were getting more guy teachers. When everybody was allowed into the classroom I was reminded about the new lockers. Then I was excited once more.

      It was hecktic having everyone at the lockers at once, but I'm glad that I got a locker on the top row. It was awesome seeing all of my friends and getting to know the new teacher. He is really cool and was funny having him pronounce Mrs. Spurburgs name. At recess everybody socialized and got into their groups. I was with a group of guys and we were just talking and bringing back memories. After that we wen't back inside to talk about weebly with Mr. Fontana. Then we went to lunch and sat at the new eighth grade tables, which was cool. After that we went back into the classroom. Before we knew it , it was the end of school.